Safe development with Open Source
CodeScoring mitigates Open Source code vulnerabilities and license compliance risks
Automatically detect OSS dependencies
  • Discovery from package managers' manifests and direct inclusion detection
  • Inventory creation in the form of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
  • Options to search, filter, and export any data
Identify vulnerabilities in your Open Source
  • Multiple connected databases (NIST NVD, GH Advisories etc.)
  • Remediation information
  • CVSS scores and vectors
  • CWEs and other important data
Check for license compliance issues
  • Automatic license detection
  • Out of the box compliance scheme
  • Flexible policy management
Supported ecosystems
We support all major OSS ecosystems of popular programming languages.
What makes our system
convenient and enjoyable to use
  • Version control systems support
    CodeScoring can easily work with all major git hostings: GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps.
  • CI/CD integration
    To fully get the profit out of SCA you can integrate it in your pipepline using API, CLI binary or docker container.
  • On premise installation option
    For enterprise customers, we can offer an on premise installation options inside your infrastructure.
  • Full access to the data
    The analysis results are presented as a set of dashboards and tables with a flexible filter system. Any data can be exported to CSV format (compatible with Excel).
  • Policies and policy alerts
    Policy management system allows creating alerts for events in the system. Email alerts and Jira integration are available.
Request a demo
Or simply write us at
CodeScoring is perfect for banks, telecom operators, companies working in health sector and probably most of the IT companies.